It is without a doubt that pregnancy presents a world of great unknowns. Actually, it might be hard to know which physical sensational should be red-flagged for your doctor, and which you can just chalk up as par for the course. That leaves many wondering how they can prepare for a condition like preeclampsia.
If you happen to be in this category, then you have come to the right place. Read on to learn about some of the things you probably did not know about preeclampsia and what to do if you receive a preeclampsia diagnosis.
What is Preeclampsia?
Before we go any further, it is in your best interest that you understand what preeclampsia is all about. Well, preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure, protein in urine and other signs of organ damage. Even though it is far from common, it can pose risks for both mom and baby.
One thing you ought to keep in mind is that preeclampsia does not show up until after 20 weeks of pregnancy. That’s mostly the case in women who haven’t reported feeling sick or noticing symptoms. No wonder you ought to understand what predicting preeclampsia is all about if everything is to turn out the way you expect.
How Does Preeclampsia Affect Mothers and Baby?
If left untreated for so long, preeclampsia can lead to life-threatening conditions such as HELLP Syndrome. For those who might not know, this is a condition that affects the breakdown of red blood cells, how blood clots and liver function. It is for this reason that expectant mothers should make do with regular clinic visits.
As for the baby, preeclampsia can affect growth leading to low birth weight. Since it is a problem associated with blood flow and blood pressure, the placenta is not able to function as well as it should. One thing you ought to keep in mind is that severe preeclampsia may also result in a premature delivery.
The Bottom Line
Preeclampsia is undeniably one of the most dreaded health complications during pregnancy. Keep in mind regular check-ups with your health provider is the best way to detect and head-off preeclampsia. It is for this reason that you should make it the norm to have a word with your medical practitioner whenever you notice signs and symptoms of preeclampsia.