Working with brokers while comparing insurance quotes from multiple insurers will certainly help you save time and money. After all, the vast majority understand what goes into the ideal small business insurance coverage. That’s not to say you should go about this hiring decision blindly since insurance brokers aren’t created equal.
Actually, a good number of individuals who choose to work with insurance brokers end up crying foul in the long run. But you can always prevent this from happening provided you employ the correct measures. Having said that, below are important things to keep in mind when choosing an insurance broker.
Selecting One Best Broker
Probably one of the biggest mistakes you can make is risk or insurance team running a tender for a particular renewal, selecting a single broker, and then going to the market with that single broker. Bear in mind the lies brokers tell their clients regarding limited market capacity are just hilarious. After all, brokers will do anything to avoid honest competition.
Whether an insurance broker is good or bad is not a risk management decision, but rather a market decision. An insurance broker is best when he brough best quality of coverage for the best price.
Believing Anything the Broker Says
You might not know this, but many brokers are just glorified as vendors. The vast majority of them sell promises and opinions, not facts and barely anyone back-tests their ideas. For this reason, you should never make the mistake of believing everything an insurance broker says since it might come back to haunt you.
Make it the norm to go ahead and test any approach a broker proposes in the market. While it might feel like a waste of your precious time, this is what you precisely need to identify small business insurancebrokers who bring you their ‘best practices’ with ample evidence to support them.
Working with an insurance broker doesn’t mean you should go about it blindly. Take it upon yourself to examine what different brokers bring to the table before partnering with one.